
Baptism is the sacrament of initiation and incorporation into the body of Christ. After baptism, the church provides the nurture that makes possible a comprehensive and lifelong process of growing in grace. 

 - The Book of Discipline of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission. 

Membership & Confirmation

When persons unite as professing members with a local United Methodist church, they profess their faith in God, the Father Almighty, make of heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ his only Son; and in the Holy Spirit. Thus, they make known their desire to live their daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. 

 - The Book of Discipline of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission. 


The covenant of marriage was established by God, who created us male and female for each other. With his presence and power Jesus graced a wedding at Cana of Galilee, and in his sacrificial love gave us the example for the love of husband and wife. 

 - The Book of Worship of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission. 


All clergy of the United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences, except in the cases of suspected child abuse or neglect or in cases where mandatory reporting is required by civil law. 

 - The Book of Discipline of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission. 

Spiritual Growth

Faithful membership in the loval church is essential for personal growth and for developing a deeper ocmmitment to the will and grace of God. As members involve themselves in private and public prayer, worship, the sacraments, study, Christian action, systematic giving, and holy discipline, they grow in their appreciation of Christ, understanding of God at work in history and the natural order, and an understanding of themselves. 

 - The Book of Discipline of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission. 


Jesus said, I am the resurrection and I am life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 

...For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, not things present, nor things to come, nore powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

 - The Book of Worship of the UMC. 2016. Copyright 2016 by The United Methodist Publishing House Used with permission.